CSS Pseudo Classes Cheatsheet
What is Pseudo Class?
Pseudo-classes in CSS are something you’ve probably used, even if you didn’t know it. Some of the most popular pseudo-classes are ‘:hover’, ‘:active’.
In general terms, a pseudo-class is sort of a phantom state or a specific characteristic of an element that we can target with CSS.
Pseudo-classes allow you to apply styles to an element based on its state, its interaction with the user, or its position in the document. Single colon is the syntax for pseudo classes.
For example, it can be used to:
· Style an element when a user mouses over it
· Style visited and unvisited links differently
· Style an element when it gets focus
Pseudo Classes Cheatsheet
I have prepared a cheat sheet of CSS Pseudo Classes for quick reference along with examples and explanations for each of them.
You can download it in a pdf format also from below link.
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